solid wood fire door,timber fire doors,44mm oak doors

Wooden fire door in the production process is lighter, compared with iron, steel and other materials, in the subsequent use process will be more convenient to open, very sensitive and convenient.

timber fire doors,የኦክ ቬክል የእሳት በሮች,4 ፓነል የኦክ እሳት በር ፣solid wood fire door,የ 90 ደቂቃ የእሳት መስታወት;በእሳት የተገመገመ የእንጨት በር,44 ሚሜ የኦክ በሮች,ቀድሞ የተጠናቀቁ የኦክ እሳት በሮች ፣timber fire doors,የእሳት በርን ያንከባልልል,solid wood fire door,35 ሚሜ የኦክ እሳት በሮች;44 ሚሜ የኦክ በሮች,የእሳት መከላከያ የእንጨት በር,timber fire doors,የ 20 ደቂቃ የእሳት አደጋ የእንጨት በር,solid wood fire door,44 ሚሜ የኦክ በሮች

solid wood fire door,timber fire doors,44mm oak doors-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door