fire rated steel door,fire rated interior door,35mm fire doors

Fire door refers to a door that can meet the requirements of fire resistance stability, integrity and heat insulation in a room. It is located in the fire division, evacuation stairwell, vertical shaft and other fire partition with a certain fire resistance. In addition to the function of ordinary door, more has the role of preventing the spread of the fire and the spread of smoke, can prevent the spread of the fire in a room, to ensure the evacuation of personnel

fire rated steel door,fire rated interior door,35mm fire doors-ZTFIRE-ovi - palo-ovi, palonkestävä ovi, paloluokiteltu ovi, palonkestävä ovi, teräsovi, metalliovi, uloskäyntiovi

paloturvallinen teräsovi,paloluokiteltu oven potkulevy,fire rated interior door,35mm fire doors,

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