6 panel fire door,4 panel fire door,fire rated access doors

The products of fire doors play a very important role in controlling the spread, reducing fire loss and ensuring the smooth escape of personnel in fire. But, at present people still insufficient understanding of fire door, at the same time fire management department propaganda is limited, in many years of fire supervision and inspection, construction engineering fire control acceptance work we found that the quality of fire door and corrective actions exist more problems, if not effectively correct, fire door will lose its unique fire function

6 panel fire door,4 panel fire door,fire rated access doors-Ușă ZTFIRE - Ușă împotriva focului, Ușă ignifugă, Ușă rezistentă la foc, Ușă rezistentă la foc, Ușă din oțel, Ușă metalică, Ușă de ieșire

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