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باهه جي دروازن جي پيداوار

Wooden fire doors are made of wood that is relatively difficult to burn. Generally, doors made of this material will be installed inside the room, and the price is also very favorable. The steel fire door is made of steel materials, which will not harm the human body, and the fire performance is also very good.

ZHTdoors باھ جا دروازا، 31 سالن جي پيداوار جو تجربو فائر دروازن ۽ ونڊوز ۾. مکيه UL باھ جا دروازا، EN باھ جا دروازا، BS EN باھ جا دروازا، وغيره. اسان وٽ سرٽيفڪيشن آھي. ZHTdoors OEM ۽ مفت ڊيزائن جي حمايت ڪن ٿا. اسان جا فائدا: سٺو معيار، فيڪٽري قيمت، سٺي خدمت. اسان سان صلاح ڪرڻ لاء ڀليڪار.

باهه جي دروازن جي پيداوار-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door