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double glazed fire doors,fire doors with glass wickes,60 minute fire rated glass

High quality glass fire door broken after the debris is blunt use Angle, its debris is smaller than tempered glass, that is to say, even if broken will not cause harm to the human body. High quality fireproof glass is not only excellent fire performance, but also high strength. For example, at the same glass thickness, the strength of glass fire doors is 6-12 times that of fluorinated glass and 2-3 times that of fluorinated glass

double glazed fire doors,fire doors with glass wickes,60 minute fire rated glass-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door

double glazed fire doors,ватроотпорна плоча за врата,fire doors with glass wickes,60 minute fire rated glass,

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