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Surface Door Loopon Fire

The types of fire doors are mainly divided into wood fire doors and steel fire doors. They are divided into three grades: Grade A, Grade B and Grade C. The three grades are mainly the length of fire endurance time. Class A fireproof door, with fire endurance of 1.2; Class B fireproof door, with fire endurance of 0.9; Class C fireproof door, with fire endurance of 0.6.

Протупожарна врата ЗХТдоорс, 31 година искуства у производњи противпожарних врата и прозора. Главна УЛ противпожарна врата, ЕН противпожарна врата, БС ЕН противпожарна врата, итд., Имамо сертификат. ЗХТдоорс подржавају ОЕМ и бесплатан дизајн. Наше предности: добар квалитет, фабричка цена, добра услуга. Добро дошли да нас консултујете.

Surface Door Loopon Fire-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door