fire rated glazed partitions,90 minute fire rated glass,rated glass

Composite fire glass is mostly made by grouting method, and expansion flame retardant adhesive is injected between multiple pieces of fire glass. When the glass meets high temperature, these flame retardant will become expanded, forming a thick heat insulation layer, so as to achieve the purpose of fire prevention.

rated glass,住宅 20 分鐘防火玻璃門,fire rated glazed partitions,90分鐘防火玻璃,防火玻璃門,rated glass,家用玻璃防火門,fire rated glazed partitions,90分鐘防火玻璃門,90分鐘防火玻璃,90 分鐘防火玻璃纖維門,fire rated glazed partitions,45分鐘防火玻璃,90分鐘防火玻璃,60 minute fire rated glass price,rated glass,fire rated glass doors price

fire rated glazed partitions,90 minute fire rated glass,rated glass-ZTFIRE門-防火門,防火門,防火門,防火門,鋼門,金屬門,出口門