fire rated timber door 90min with 4.5″ hinge,timber 90min fire rated door with 4.5″ hinge,used solid 48&quot

Wooden fire door has good sound insulation effect, RW 23dB; wooden fire door is decorative, can be divided into two series of full plate and half glass and single and double plate specifications.

木材 90 分鐘防火門,帶 4.5″ 鉸鏈,used solid 48&quot,wide hardwood fire door,防火木門 90 分鐘帶 4.5″ 鉸鏈,90 分鐘防火木門,帶 4″ 鉸鏈,木材 90 分鐘防火門,帶 4.5″ 鉸鏈,90 分鐘防火木門,帶 4″ 鉸鏈,防火木門 90 分鐘帶 4.5″ 鉸鏈,used solid 48&quot,帶 4″ 鉸鏈的防火木門,木材 90 分鐘防火門,帶 4.5″ 鉸鏈,ul wood fire door with steel jamb,防火木門 90 分鐘帶 4.5″ 鉸鏈,預掛式黑色內木福米卡防火門,used solid 48&quot

fire rated timber door 90min with 4.5″ hinge,timber 90min fire rated door with 4.5″ hinge,used solid 48&quot-ZTFIRE門-防火門,防火門,防火門,防火門,鋼門,金屬門,出口門