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12 gauge hollow metal doors,hollow metal door beveled edge,hollow metal door and frame installation

The fire door with push rod lock can reach the emergency interior to the push rod to open the door and simultaneously issue an alarm to achieve the function of internal escape and external anti-theft. The fire door with push rod lock is suitable for controlling the flow of people in public buildings, preventing unauthorized and preventing theft.

12 gauge hollow metal doors,hollow metal door beveled edge,hollow metal door and frame installation-Двері ZTFIRE - протипожежні двері, протипожежні двері, протипожежні двері, вогнетривкі двері, сталеві двері, металеві двері, виїзні двері

hollow metal door and frame installation,протипожежна дверна пластина,12 gauge hollow metal doors,hollow metal door beveled edge,

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