fireproof door seal,metal fireproof door,meaning of fireproof door

The steel fire door has good air tightness and is closed very tightly without leaving a crack, allowing air conditioning and heating to overflow; When the steel fire door is opened, only 1KG force is required, and the opening tension is less than 50N.

fireproof door seal,metal fireproof door,meaning of fireproof door-ZTFIRE Door- Cửa chống cháy, Cửa chống cháy, Cửa chống cháy, Cửa chống cháy, Cửa thép, Cửa kim loại, Cửa thoát hiểm

fireproof door seal,nhà sản xuất cửa chống cháy ở mumbai,metal fireproof door,meaning of fireproof door,

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