20 minute fire rated prehung door,upvc fire exit doors,plain white fire door

Apartment fire doors are mostly class B, generally used for fire access, fire resistance time is 1 hour. Class B-steel fire door, with good sound insulation effect. Its surface spraying electrostatic powder, the surface is beautiful, strong, fire resistance, integrity, good insulation.

20 minute fire rated prehung door,በእሳት የተገመገመ የበር ምታ ሰሃን ፣upvc fire exit doors,plain white fire door,

የእሳት መከላከያ በር አምራች,20 minute fire rated prehung door,ድርብ የብረት ደህንነት በር ከሃርድዌር ጋር ፣ለአፓርታማዎች የእንጨት ደህንነት በሮች ምስሎች ፣የደህንነት በሮች 820 ፣upvc fire exit doors,የደህንነት በር ፎቶ ፣ የ9 ጫማ በሮች የውስጥ ክፍል ፣plain white fire door,ምልክት የተደረገበት የፓነል በር ፣

የእንጨት የእሳት መከላከያ በር,20 minute fire rated prehung door,የአደጋ ጊዜ መውጫ በር አጠቃቀም ፣የእሳት ደረጃ በር ul ፣የእሳት ደረጃ በር መኖሪያ

20 minute fire rated prehung door,upvc fire exit doors,plain white fire door-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door

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