Interior Fireproof Door

The indoor fireproof door is generally made of wood. The wooden fireproof door uses fire-retardant wood products as the door frame, door leaf framework and door leaf panel. The door leaf is filled with non-toxic, harmless, energy-saving and environmental friendly fireproof and thermal insulation materials, and equipped with fireproof hardware fittings and fireproof glass, which can meet a certain fire resistance limit.

ZHTdoors branddøre, 31 års produktionserfaring indenfor branddøre og vinduer. De vigtigste UL branddøre, EN branddøre, BS EN branddøre osv. Vi har certificering. ZHTdøre understøtter OEM og gratis design. Vores fordele: god kvalitet, fabrikspris, god service. Velkommen til at konsultere os.

Interior Fireproof Door-ZTFIRE-dør - branddør, brandsikker dør, brandklassificeret dør, brandsikker dør, ståldør, metaldør, udgangsdør