
The hardware fittings used on UL fire doors must also be fire-resistant. Fire doors can be opened and closed freely by hinges. The door closer can ensure that the door can be closed to the initial position accurately and timely after being opened. After installing the aligner, the rear door leaf can be closed tightly one after the other. The important part of the fire door is the escape device. In an emergency, indoor personnel can immediately escape by pushing the escape device.

ZHTdoors Brandschutztüren, 31 Jahre Produktionserfahrung in Brandschutztüren und Fenstern. Die wichtigsten UL-Brandschutztüren, EN-Brandschutztüren, BS EN-Brandschutztüren usw. Wir haben eine Zertifizierung. ZHTdoors unterstützen OEM und freies Design. Unsere Vorteile: gute Qualität, Neupreis, guter Service.

UL-Feuerschutz-Türbeschläge-ZTFIRE Door- Brandschutztür, feuerfeste Tür, feuerfeste Tür, feuerbeständige Tür, Stahltür, Metalltür, Ausgangstür