UL Fireproof Door Zomboid

In addition to the functions of ordinary doors, UL fire doors can also prevent the spread of fire and smoke. They can prevent the spread of fire within a certain period of time and ensure the evacuation of people. UL fire door is a fire compartment with certain fire resistance, which is set in fire compartment, evacuation staircase, vertical shaft, etc.

ZHTdoors 防火扉、防火扉および Windows での 31 年の生産経験。 主な UL 防火扉、EN 防火扉、BS EN 防火扉など。私たちは認定を受けています。ZHTdoors は OEM と無料のデザインをサポートしています。私たちの利点: 良質、工場価格、優れたサービス。

UL Fireproof Door Zomboid-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door