Fire Rated Lawang Kanggo Rumah Sakit

The steel fireproof door will not affect the actions of others due to the opening and closing of the door, and can prevent many people with inconvenient actions in the hospital from being obstructed by various equipment or devices to cause trouble. The steel fire door only needs 1KG force to open, and the opening tension is less than 50N. Even people in wheelchairs can easily open it, and adults and children can easily push and pull it.

ZHTdoors lawang geni, 31 taun pengalaman produksi ing lawang geni lan Windows. Lawang geni UL utama, lawang geni EN, lawang geni BS EN, lan liya-liyane, Kita duwe sertifikasi.ZHTdoors ndhukung OEM lan desain gratis.Kauntungan kita: kualitas apik, rega pabrik, layanan apik. Sugeng rawuh kanggo konsultasi karo kita.

Fire Rated Lawang Kanggo Rumah Sakit-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door