Fire Door Holder

The glass fireproof door bracket has a simple connection function, which is convenient for the safety protection of the fireproof glass door, as well as for the quick replacement and installation in the early and late stages. The lower clamping and fixing function can protect the fireproof glass door while fixing it, so as to avoid accidents and loss of the fireproof glass door during installation.

Deriyên agir ZHTdoors, 31 sal ezmûna hilberînê di deriyê agir û pencereyan de. Deriyên agir ên sereke yên UL, deriyên agir EN, deriyên agir BS EN, hwd.. Em xwedî sertîfîkayê ne.

Fire Door Holder-Deriyê ZTFIRE- Deriyê Agir, Deriyê Agir, Deriyê Agir, Deriyê Berxwedêr, Deriyê Pola, Deriyê Metal, Deriyê Derketinê