UL Fireproof Door Ne

As a high-tech product, fire doors can not only beautify our home, but also add points to our home safety. As a new type of fireproof building component, wooden fireproof door is widely used in various civil buildings and part of industrial buildings because of its beautiful appearance, convenient installation, good decorative performance and superior fireproof performance.

Deriyên agir ZHTdoors, 31 sal ezmûna hilberînê di deriyê agir û pencereyan de. Deriyên agir ên sereke yên UL, deriyên agir EN, deriyên agir BS EN, hwd.. Em xwedî sertîfîkayê ne.

UL Fireproof Door Ne-Deriyê ZTFIRE- Deriyê Agir, Deriyê Agir, Deriyê Agir, Deriyê Berxwedêr, Deriyê Pola, Deriyê Metal, Deriyê Derketinê