60 Minutes UL Fire Rated Wooden Hotel Room Door

The 60 minutes ul fire rated wooden hotel door is made of high quality hardwood or fire retardant treated wood. The inner frame is made of miscellaneous wood double-sided sticker or calcium silicate fireproof board, and the door cavity is filled with high-quality perlite rock wool that is resistant to high temperature. Wooden fire doors used in hotels should not be equipped with locks and latches.

60 Minutes UL Fire Rated Wooden Hotel Room Door-ZTFIRE Door- Өрткө каршы эшик, Отко чыдамдуу эшик, Өрткө каршы эшик, Өрткө чыдамдуу эшик, Темир эшик, Металл эшик, Чыгуу Эшик