residential fire door,fire escape door,steel fire door

Steel fire door is a combination of steel frame and steel door fan. Steel structure can ensure not easy to impact deformation, not easy to be damaged by external forces, can be used for a long time without replacement. The fireproof material filled inside the door fan is environmentally friendly and pollution-free. The surface treatment process of door is powder spraying or PVC coating, which is a mature and environmentally friendly process. Under the premise of ensuring the fire prevention effect, the f fire prevention door has the characteristics of environmental protection and durability. Perfect for use in public places.

residential fire door,fire escape door,steel fire door-ZTFIRE Door- Өрткө каршы эшик, Отко чыдамдуу эшик, Өрткө каршы эшик, Өрткө чыдамдуу эшик, Темир эшик, Металл эшик, Чыгуу Эшик

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