Branndør i tre

Wooden fire doors are made of wood that is relatively difficult to burn. This material is suitable for use in places with low ambient humidity. The safety factor is relatively low, and the price is also very favorable. Generally, the wooden fireproof door will be installed inside the room, so special attention should be paid to the selection.

ZHTdoors branndører, 31 års produksjonserfaring innen branndører og Vinduer. De viktigste UL branndørene, EN branndører, BS EN branndører, etc.,.Vi har sertifisering.ZHTdører støtter OEM og gratis design.Våre fordeler:god kvalitet, fabrikkpris, god service.Velkommen til å konsultere oss.

Branndør i tre-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door