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Steel Fire Rate Door

In many fire doors, fire doors also have unusual advantages. The steel fireproof door leaf can be divided into three specifications according to its thickness. The higher the specification, the better the sound insulation and noise reduction of the fireproof door, as well as the actual effect of thermal insulation.

ZHTdoors باھ جا دروازا، 31 سالن جي پيداوار جو تجربو فائر دروازن ۽ ونڊوز ۾. مکيه UL باھ جا دروازا، EN باھ جا دروازا، BS EN باھ جا دروازا، وغيره. اسان وٽ سرٽيفڪيشن آھي. ZHTdoors OEM ۽ مفت ڊيزائن جي حمايت ڪن ٿا. اسان جا فائدا: سٺو معيار، فيڪٽري قيمت، سٺي خدمت. اسان سان صلاح ڪرڻ لاء ڀليڪار.

Steel Fire Rate Door-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door