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At present, there is no size of fire doors, but the fire resistance limit of fire doors. After the fire door is installed and closed, the gap should not be too large, otherwise the sealing performance of the fire door is difficult to guarantee, and it is difficult to reflect its function of inhibiting the spread of fire and flue gas under fire conditions.

hollow metal doors glass,hollow metal doors & frames,embossed hollow metal doors-Derë ZTFIRE- Derë zjarri, Derë e papërshkueshme nga zjarri, Derë e vlerësuar ndaj zjarrit, Derë rezistente ndaj zjarrit, Derë çeliku, Derë metalike, Derë Dalje

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dyer prej druri të papërshkueshëm nga zjarri,hollow metal doors glass,Përdorimi i derës së daljes emergjente, dera me vlerë zjarri ul, dera e banimit me shkallë zjarri