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Out Door Furniture Sets With Fire

If it is necessary to pass between the fire compartments of the building, Class A fire doors (fire endurance 1.2h) shall be set up. In case of a fire in the building, it can prevent or delay the spread of the fire to a certain extent. Fire doors must have reasonable material selection, good structure and reliable fire resistance. Remember not to keep the fire door open for a long time, nor block or lock the fire door.

Протупожарна врата ЗХТдоорс, 31 година искуства у производњи противпожарних врата и прозора. Главна УЛ противпожарна врата, ЕН противпожарна врата, БС ЕН противпожарна врата, итд., Имамо сертификат. ЗХТдоорс подржавају ОЕМ и бесплатан дизајн. Наше предности: добар квалитет, фабричка цена, добра услуга. Добро дошли да нас консултујете.

Out Door Furniture Sets With Fire-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door