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Fireproof Double Doors

The steel heat insulation fire door is a door which can be fire-resistant, heat-insulating and smoke isolating in a certain period of time and is composed of stainless steel and other materials with flame retardant treatment. The steel insulated fireproof door can be set in the fire compartment, evacuation staircase, vertical shaft and other escape positions.

Протупожарна врата ЗХТдоорс, 31 година искуства у производњи противпожарних врата и прозора. Главна УЛ противпожарна врата, ЕН противпожарна врата, БС ЕН противпожарна врата, итд., Имамо сертификат. ЗХТдоорс подржавају ОЕМ и бесплатан дизајн. Наше предности: добар квалитет, фабричка цена, добра услуга. Добро дошли да нас консултујете.

Fireproof Double Doors-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door