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general fireproof door inc,fireproof home door,lif fireproof security door

Fireproof and anti-theft doors almost use glass magnesium fireproof board as the fireproof material. When the temperature reaches a certain standard in the event of a fire, the fireproof door will not burn and will not produce flame, and the fireproof door has the characteristics of moisture resistance, sound insulation, durability, etc.

general fireproof door inc,fireproof home door,lif fireproof security door-ZTFIRE Door- Fire Door,Fireproof Door,Fire rated Door,Fire Resistant Door,Steel Door,Metal Door,Exit Door

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отпоран на ватру, боја за врата,лиф ватроотпорна сигурносна врата,ватроотпорна врата Малезија, метална врата