UL Fireproof Door Nevada

Fire doors can be divided into normally closed fire doors and normally open fire doors according to the opening state. Normally closed fire doors are usually closed under the action of door closers. Therefore, it can prevent smoke from spreading in case of fire; Normally open fire doors are usually opened under the action of door closers. In case of fire, the automatic release switch is automatic, and the fire door closers are closed under the action of door closers and aligners.

ZHTdoors branddörrar, 31 års produktionserfarenhet inom branddörrar och fönster. De viktigaste UL branddörrarna, EN branddörrar, BS EN branddörrar, etc.,.Vi har certifiering.ZHTdörrar stödjer OEM och gratis design.Våra fördelar:god kvalitet, fabrikspris, bra service.Välkommen att rådfråga oss.

UL Fireproof Door Nevada-ZTFIRE Dörr - Branddörr, Brandsäker Dörr, Brandklassad Dörr, Brandsäker Dörr, Ståldörr, Metalldörr, Utgångsdörr