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UL дари оташнашаванда 36 дюйм

The steel fireproof door is made of high-quality cold-rolled steel plate or galvanized plate, color plate, stainless steel plate, etc. The hardware of the steel fireproof door is made of professional fireproof lock, fireproof door closer, fireproof hinge, handle, bolt and sequencer, and the corresponding grade of fireproof glass can also be configured according to the user’s needs.

ZHTdoors дарҳои оташнишонӣ, таҷрибаи 31-солаи истеҳсолӣ дар дарҳои оташнишонӣ ва тирезаҳо. Дарҳои асосии UL оташ, EN дарҳои оташ, BS EN дарҳои оташ ва ғайра,.Мо certification.ZHTdoors дастгирӣ OEM ва design.Our озод афзалиятҳои: сифати хуб, нархи корхона, service.Welcome хуб ба мо машварат.

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