half hour fire rated door,trustile fire rated doors,3 hour rated door

The biggest difference between wooden fire doors and steel fire doors is that they use different materials, and they use different flame retardant treatment methods for fire protection. Welcome to consult us.


可信賴的防火門,3小時額定門,120分鐘防火門,半小時防火門,60分鐘防火滑動門,可信賴的防火門,30 x 80 室內防火門,3小時額定門,2hr rated access panel,半小時防火門,30 x 80 預掛防火門,可信賴的防火門,預掛 20 分鐘防火門,半小時防火門,30英寸防火門,3小時額定門,45 minute door,90 min door

half hour fire rated door,trustile fire rated doors,3 hour rated door-ZTFIRE門-防火門,防火門,防火門,防火門,鋼門,金屬門,出口門