UL Fireproof Door Mfg Inc

UL fire door standard is to conduct fire resistance test and subsequent water impact test for fire doors within a specified time (60min/90min). Generally, UL labels on products need to be applied for certification, and UL fireproof door labels can be affixed on products only after they meet the certification requirements.

ZHTdoors iingcango zomlilo, iminyaka eyi-31 yamava okuvelisa kwiingcango zomlilo kunye neWindows. Iingcango eziphambili zomlilo ze-UL, iingcango zomlilo ze-EN, iingcango zomlilo ze-BS EN, njl., Sine-certification.ZHTdoors ixhasa i-OEM kunye ne-design.Our yamahhala: umgangatho omhle, ixabiso lefektri, inkonzo enhle.Wamkelekile ukuba uqhagamshelane nathi.

UL Fireproof Door Mfg Inc-Ucango lwe-ZTFIRE- Ucango loMlilo, ucango olungenamlilo, ucango olulinganiselwe nguMlilo, ucango olungangenwa ngumlilo, ucango lwentsimbi, umnyango wentsimbi, ucango lokuphuma