UL Fireproof Door Whitestone

Fire door refers to the door that can meet the requirements of fire resistance stability, integrity and thermal insulation within a certain period of time. In addition to the functions of ordinary doors, fire doors can also prevent the spread of fire and smoke, prevent the spread of fire within a certain period of time, and ensure the evacuation of people.

ZHTdoors iingcango zomlilo, iminyaka eyi-31 yamava okuvelisa kwiingcango zomlilo kunye neWindows. Iingcango eziphambili zomlilo ze-UL, iingcango zomlilo ze-EN, iingcango zomlilo ze-BS EN, njl., Sine-certification.ZHTdoors ixhasa i-OEM kunye ne-design.Our yamahhala: umgangatho omhle, ixabiso lefektri, inkonzo enhle.Wamkelekile ukuba uqhagamshelane nathi.

UL Fireproof Door Whitestone-Ucango lwe-ZTFIRE- Ucango loMlilo, ucango olungenamlilo, ucango olulinganiselwe nguMlilo, ucango olungangenwa ngumlilo, ucango lwentsimbi, umnyango wentsimbi, ucango lokuphuma